We always deceive ourselves twice about the...
We always deceive ourselves twice about the people we love - first to their advantage, then to their disadvantage. |
Albert Camus |
Reader Comments |
sfKdxARjOo |
Name: Achoge | 2012-03-20 |
My gosh, that must be so horrible for the girls who care for the pigs! They care for them like they would their falimy dog (and pigs are actually more intelligent than dogs, can be easily trained, and yep, love to run and play!), and then have to sell this individual they have undoubtedly grown to care for and love to be slaughtered. I think that is particularly sad because it teaches children to desensitize themselves to the suffering of others and that hurting other beings is okay it contradicts the idea that we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. It doesn't make sense to me to take the lives of living breathing animals with a desire to live when we don't need to. Especially when we know that eating a diet free from animals and animal products is much healthier for us, prevents and reverses some of the most deadly diseases our society suffers from (heart disease, type II diabetes, some cancers, etc), and that eating lower on the food chain much more sustainable. Anyway, my feeling about eating the pig in your story is that it is still contributing to unnecessary suffering (keeping them in cages when they have a desire to be free, probably separating them from their mothers and breaking that incredibly powerful bond, and ultimately killing them), but that eating most store bought meat is contributing to significantly more suffering. So the former is without a doubt preferable but I still see a better solution. And that's not taking the lives of others at all Anyway, those are my thoughts. Thanks for the questions Keith! These are exactly the kinds of thoughts and discussions we need to start having more of, because whether we realize it or not, our actions and our choices have huge implications and effects on the lives of others! Hugs~ |
I keep rereading th. |
Name: Kaycie | 2016-04-29 |
I keep rereading th.v8I&#i217;se been there too.Wish I could hug you, that we all could just fall into each other’s arms.When I was in the middle of it, I found respite in a friend who was just recovering her life from PPD.Just know that it does end, eventually.And keep hanging in till then. |