Self-love depressed becomes self-loathing....
Self-love depressed becomes self-loathing. |
Sally Kempton |
Reader Comments |
It is easy to become |
Name: Lizzy | 2014-01-05 |
It is easy to become mired in self-loathing when we hold a grduge past the point of repair, admit to ourselves that we could have tried harder in certain situations, or feel awful when we say hurtful things to our loved ones. Instead of beating ourselves up over past should haves, or should not haves , perhaps we can just utter three simple words today: I am sorry. To honestly atone for our all too human mistakes is to free ourselves from the shackles of destructive guilt. Seems so incredibly simple, yet for many of us, our emotional capacity to get past the barrier of our guilt and summon up those healing words, is lacking. Is it our false pride that holds us back? |
What a great this b |
Name: Jock | 2014-02-05 |
What a great this bestlifeinsurpolicy.com life insurance quotes resource levitra tv commercial actress27 name heliomeds.com online pharmacy levitra best place to get health insurance comparehealthinsur.com rate insurance health text is. |
Much of the fear and |
Name: Dayana | 2014-03-06 |
Much of the fear and loathing QuotesChimp feel toward auto in�surance companies comes from their knowledge that if they use their insurance, their company will make them pay dearly for the privilege or cancel them altogether, even if they are not at fault. This inequity can be substantially reduced if companies are compelled by law to offer policies in which the consumer is guaranteed renewal, without a rate increase above that charged all other policyholders as approved by the state insurance com�missioner. The only grounds for an individual increase in pre�miums (other than changes in the risk of coverage, such as the purchase of a new car) would be a poor driving record based on the concept of fault. In other words, if you made claims against the company for benefits as the result of an accident that was not primarily your fault, your rates could not be raised.
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