Scratch a lover, and find a foe....
Scratch a lover, and find a foe. |
Dorothy Parker |
Reader Comments |
Shalini |
Name: Shalini | 2012-06-20 |
More PROPAGANDA. Everyone watch a movie called The Great Global Warming Swindle and rersaech CLIMATE GATE. There are 3 times more Polar Bears then 10 yrs ago and the polar ice caps are not melting they are growing. Also the world is in a cooling cycle not a warming cycle. Its all a SCAM to get you to pay carbon taxes and empowering the corporations to buy carbon credits so they can pollute even more. Ask AL GORE why he never talks about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? or real issues |
-Nos cuenta en forma |
Name: Lily | 2016-04-29 |
-Nos cuenta en forma de relato lo que le pasó en su juventud y los mismos problemas por los que él atravesaba los estamos teniendo los emdnorpederes de hoy que no sabÃÂamos o no sabemos cómo empezar . Nos recomienda ese libro que por cierto es de gran valor para nuestro crecimiento tanto personal como financiero. |