Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, / Romeo? / Deny...
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, / Romeo? / Deny thy father, and refuse thy name - Romeo & Juliet |
Shakespeare |
Reader Comments |
Name: sarah | 2006-06-19 |
this is a great line. and if anyone has a scence of poetry they would know! |
Lost for words |
Name: Elizabeth | 2006-12-10 |
O Romeo Romeo quote was the best part of the whole play if you think it sucked then why did you even watch it. Come on guys don't even like mushy gushy stuff. You go Sarah tell that stupid idiot that he sucks. |
BTuaJbbkUojGOFwH |
Name: Danny | 2012-06-20 |
I can't tell you how many times I have felt just as you have. I just put up a post about how God called me to be a game chenagr. I have always felt a bit out of the loop and wondering why things didn't come my way. While at Relevant this October, God spoke clearly to me that I was to step out and be the change I wasn't seeing. That He was calling me to something more and had let me be in that isolated place to have me lead. I love that you are sensitive to the Lord, and I love the message of your post here, and I sooo agree with it.Love you much girl! |
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