God made many puzzle pieces, but only those two...
God made many puzzle pieces, but only those two 'cut out' for each other, can fit together to create a perfect and beautiful picture. |
Jessica Cochran |
Reader Comments |
aHeagWTAlFs |
Name: Ygor | 2012-03-20 |
Tiffany, the puzzle peecis that are numbered '5' go to the board that is numbered '5'. You can just put one big '5' on the puzzle instead of many like I did. This just shows that if you were to find a lost piece, you'd know to which puzzle it belonged. :)Hope that makes sense. |
I would love to win |
Name: Hantucasper | 2014-01-04 |
I would love to win one as i have twins and they are using them at school i have a old apple coupmter as they use apple at school and so i got one out of cash conferters but they are not around any more and so i would only have to find one more if i won a ipad. cheers |
The party primarily |
Name: Kaley | 2014-03-06 |
The party primarily at fault can also have his or her damages paid. In addition to medical bills, items such as lost wages, which would not normally be paid by a fault QuotesChimp insurance policy, would be compensated for.
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