Every man needs two women, a quiet home-maker,...
Every man needs two women, a quiet home-maker, and a thrilling nymph. |
Iris Murdoch |
Reader Comments |
UWfxjAySntyBu |
Name: Moussa | 2013-02-25 |
Your brother's falmiy is cute!Hey, Holly-- I'd sent you an email about my DVD 3-set falmiy friendly movie giveaway. Did you get the email? You won!!!! I need your name & addy so you can get your loot!Plz email me at freakyfrugalite (at) live (dot) come. Thanks!Rebecca @ Freakyfrugalite.com |
Interested to read K |
Name: Nicole | 2015-10-02 |
Interested to read Kylie's comment re the Aldi bmaadreker. I have tried twice with mine, the first was a disaster, second better but didn't turn out beautifully . I wonder what setting she used, any ideas? |