Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no...
Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh. |
W. H. Auden |
Reader Comments |
OSjZVPHuagTh |
Name: Love | 2012-03-20 |
As a 20 year insurance agent, I'll be happy to share some adivce. Getting a quote over the net is convenient and quick, but often times VERY inaccurate. The quote is often given without actually running your MVR (motor vehicle report) because that costs the company money and you haven't paid any yet. Most all companies will run your consumer report (which credit is only one small factor of) and it won't be run during the quoting process, it will be run after you purchase. This is the reason so many people are dissatisfied at their next renewal or shortly after their purchase when the real bill comes. Now, let's discuss what you're actually asking. You want prices, but didn't mention anything about coverage. Before you buy based on premiums, please research what you are buying and whom you're buying it from. What happens at claim time? Who will offer you the most for your totalled vehicle? How will you be treated? Is it a toll-free phone number that will be helping you in your time of need or a real person whom you can see? Please contact an agent and a company that is highly rated for their customer service and claim payment ability. |