A mighty pain to love it is, and 'tis a pain that...
A mighty pain to love it is, and 'tis a pain that pain to miss; but of all the pains, the greatest pain is to love, but love in vain. |
Abraham Crowley |
Reader Comments |
true |
Name: jacobi wilson | 2005-02-23 |
love hurts but in the long-run it may help u in more ways than 1. I fell in love with a friend who didnt feel the same about me, leaving me feeling that i would never love again. although it was painful, i have now found a love that loves me just as much. this makes all my painful love experiences worth it. |
love |
Name: bryan | 2005-05-02 |
i think that your quote was one of the best,it really touched me...and i really do think that what you wrote is so true,i guess you understand what love means! |
Luv hurts |
Name: Belinda | 2005-05-23 |
hey hey im 14 n i feel in luv once n i made a mistake y dumpig the person n now i regret it n its 7months n im stilll in luv so i really like dis poem |
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